Health and Safety

The Coffey Groups’ Health & Safety Management System (HSMS) has been tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients through conformity with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007 now called ISO 45001:2018. The Coffey Groups’ HSMS has been certified to be in conformance with ISO 45001:2018 by the NSAI (UKAS Accredited).

Coffey Group’s Health & Safety policy states that work will comply with statutory provisions and all reasonable practicable measures will be taken to avoid risk to employees or others.

Management and supervisory staff are responsible for implementing the Health & Safety Policy throughout the Company. They must ensure that health and safety considerations are given priority in planning and day-to-day supervision of work.

All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate in implementing the Health & Safety Policy and must carry out their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, without risk to themselves or others.

The objectives of our safety policy are:

  • The prevention of personal injury.
  • The prevention of property and environmental damage
  • That safety priorities are laid down
  • That safety systems are monitored/updated on a regular basis

This Health & Safety Policy will be displayed prominently at all sites and workplaces.

The organisation and arrangement for implementing the Policy will also be available at each site and workplace for reference to by any employee.


CPY-HS-001 Health & Safety Policy


ISO 45001