Coffey Water is pleased to commence the Disinfection and Ph Control Programme for Counties Laois and Offaly for Irish Water under the Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and
Automation (MEICA) Works. This new Contract involves works on 52 No Water treatment plants, Groundwater Boreholes and reservoir sites.
The Main Scope of Works consist of:
Phase 1 โ the assessment of the condition and performance of the existing disinfection and pH control systems at 52 No. Water Treatment Plant / Reservoir sites in Counties Laois and Offaly, preparation of the disinfection and pH control section of the Drinking Water Safety Plan Risk Assessment (DWSP); jar testing of the pH control systems (if applicable); identification of any deficiencies and design of the required upgrade works in accordance with the Irish Water Design Specification for Disinfection, the Irish Water Design Specification for Treated Water pH / Alkalinity Adjustment and the Irish Water RAM Policies; review of any existing pre-treatment process systems and preparation of a short report included as part of the Site Assessment Report; attendance at Value Engineering Workshops, and the roles of PSDP and Designer.
Phase 2 โ detailed design; provision and installation of the required items including chemical bulk storage tanks; chemical day tanks, chemical make-up tanks, dosing pumps, UV disinfection systems, instrumentation and control equipment and electrical works; update of the DWSP Risk Assessment and post-completion verification of the upgraded system compliance with the Drinking Water Regulations, the Irish Water Design Specification for Disinfection and the Irish Water Design Specification for Treated Water pH / Alkalinity Adjustment and the Irish Water RAM Policies; any telemetry works required, including modifications to existing Plant SCADA systems, upgrade of existing telemetry systems, building, installation and connection of the new Telemetry Outstations to disinfection and / or pH control system PLCs for communication via modem / router to INTS; and act as PSDP, PSCS, Designer and Contractor, and act as PSDP, PSCS, Designer.
We are pleased to be engaged for this upgrade works which will help improve the capacity and performance of the 52 number water treatment plants, groundwater boreholes and reservoir sites.